The webinar will cover not only the basics to execution of documents under Hong Kong law but will also touch upon the rising trend of electronic execution. It will cover the main forms of execution of documents, scenarios in which a deed may be necessary, execution of deeds by a Hong Kong entity under common law and statute and general rules and practice for both Hong Kong and Non-Hong Kong entities.
Denise Tsui
Of counsel, Stephenson Harwood
Denise Tsui is an of counsel based in our Stephenson Harwood's Hong Kong office. She specialises in a range of corporate matters including initial public offerings, mergers and acquisitions and general compliance matters.
Denise was admitted as a solicitor in Hong Kong in 2011.
Event details
Date: Thursday, 24th November 2022
Time: 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm
Location: Webinar links will be sent upon registration
CPD Points: CPD points have been applied for. Please note you need to be logged in for the full duration of the webinar to qualify for CPD points. Unfortunately, points cannot be applied for members who join the webinar via telephone link. Please use your full name when you join the webinar for CPD purposes.